Paper Submission
We cordially invite you to submit papers to 2023 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2023).
The Word template for the 6-page full paper is here:
The Word template for the 1-page short paper is here:
Please follow the Important Dates for your paper submissions.
誠摯邀請您投稿至第11屆臺灣智慧型機器人研討會 (NCAR 2023),以下為論文模版:
Paper Contests
To encourage all ARIS 2023 participants to present their excellent research works in advanced robotics and intelligent systems, three different kinds of Paper Contests are held in ARIS 2023, as shown below:
Best Conference Paper Contest (must submit a full paper)
Best Student Paper Contest (must submit a full paper)
Best Presentation Paper Contest (can submit either a full paper or a short paper)
Important notice:
The contestant must be an author of the contest paper.
When submitting a contest paper to ARIS 2023 via the online submission system, the contestant is responsible for clicking the ONLY 1 option from the choices of "Best Conference Paper Contest", "Best Student Paper Contest", and "Best Presentation Paper Contest". A submitted paper without selection of 1 Paper Contest is not eligible for any Paper Contests.
Finalists of each Paper Contest will be decided by the Review Committee and announced with the Final Program. Each Paper Contest Finalist needs to give an oral presentation in front of the Judges in a specified session for each Paper Contest. Failure to complete a presentation equals to forfeit of the Paper Contest.
For each Paper Contest, 1 first place, 1 second place, 1 third place, and honorable mention(s) will be awarded to the Paper Contest Finalists. Awards will be announced and certificates will be delivered in the Banquet. Each Paper Contest Finalist will be awarded with 1 extra banquet ticket.
Contestants who engage in plagiarism would lose the eligibly for contest participations and be subject to legal actions.
Each Paper Contest paper can ONLY be participating 1 Paper Contest in ARIS 2023 and cannot attend any other paper contests or competitions elsewhere.
為鼓勵與會者將先進機器人及智慧系統等領域的傑出研究成果發表於 NCAR 2023,特此規劃下列三種論文競賽:
最佳會議論文競賽 (需要投稿全文)
最佳學生論文競賽 (需要投稿全文)
最佳摘要論文報告競賽 (可選擇投稿全文或短文)
當上傳論文至 NCAR 2023 線上投稿系統時,請至多勾選一項論文競賽:最佳會議論文競賽、最佳學生論文競賽、最佳摘要論文海報競賽。未勾選論文競賽之文章視同未參賽。
每篇參賽論文僅能參加一個 NCAR 2023 論文競賽,且不得重複參加其他論文競賽。
About the applications to Best Thesis Award from Robotics Society of Taiwan (RST)
More details could be found here: Click for URL
Each applicant must submit at least one (either full or short) paper to ARIS 2023 in order to be considered as the candidate for Best Thesis Award from RST. Paper information and ID should be provided in the application.
申請臺灣機器人學會碩博士論文獎,需要至少投稿一篇(全文或短文)ARIS 2023論文,申請時需要附上論文資料及論文ID。
Best Conference Paper Contest
First Place:
Multi-Robot Flocking Control Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Second Place:
Lightweight Perching Mechanisms for Flapping-wing Drones
Third Place:
Design and Implementation of Dynamic Motion Policy for Multi-Sensor Omnidirectional Mobile Arm Robot System in Human-Robot Coexisted Healthcare Workplace
Honorable Mention:
Fast Collision Detection for Robot Manipulator Path: An Approach Based on Implicit Neural Representation of Multiple Swept Volumes
Efficient Lane Detection based on Feature Aggregation for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
A Laser Galvo System for Human-Robot Collaboration
Best Student Paper Contest
First Place:
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Model for Service Robot Navigation in Crowded Environments
Second Place:
Online 3D Bin Packing for Novel Objects Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Third Place:
Assistance of a Hip-Knee Exoskeleton Robot for Control of Standing Balance
Honorable Mention:
Residual Current-based Deep Learning Architecture for the Induction Motor Fault Diagnosis
Evaluation of Bearing Remaining Life Prediction Based on Regression Model in the Time-Domain Feature
EnveRob: Integration of an Intelligent Robotic Arm System for Mail Delivery Applications
Best Presentation Paper Contest
First Place:
Point Cloud-based Autonomous Spray Painting Trajectory Generation Applied on Complex Surfaces
Second Place:
Design of a Novel Non-contact Magnetostrictive Force Sensor
Third Place:
Improving Human-Robot Collaboration Efficiency with Stereo Camera and Gesture Recognition
Honorable Mention:
Reinforcement Learning-based AGV Motion Controller
Path Planning and Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots based on Deep Reinforcement Learning and B-RRT
Robotic Arm Gripping System Integrated with Stereo Vision
All ARIS 2023 participants are to be registered via the following Online System.
NCAR 2023與會者請以下列線上系統完成註冊。
The registration fees for various kinds of conference participants are listed below.
All payments can be made by either ATM money transfer or credit card.
ATM Money Transfe
Please send ATM money transfer to the following account:
Bank ID: 008
Account number: 427-10-005727-3
Account name: Robotics Society of Taiwan (台灣機器人學會)
Please send ATM money transfer to the following account: